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MAGIC ITEM: Black Hour Pillar

A Black hour Pillar is a 2-foot tall by 6 inch in diameter pillar of black wax, etched with gruesome symbols and tormented images. For one hour after it is lit, the candle burns swiftly, chilling the air within 20 feet by 10 degrees and casting its foul purple glow in a 20-foot radius. While the candle is lit, the area illuminated by its evil glow is treated as being under the effects of an Unhallow spell. Any who attempt to enter the area after the candle is lit must also make a Will save *DC 15) or flee as if under the effects of a Cause Fear spell cast by a 9th level caster. The candle van be blown out or quenched by normal means, suspending its effects until it is lit again. The candle can burn for a total of 1 hour, but this time need not be consecutive.

Black Hour Pillar (illustration by Arnie Swekel)Prerequisite: Craft Wondrous Item, Cause Fear, Unhallow

Aura: Moderate Evil

Caster Level: 9th

Market Price: 2,250gp

Cost to Create: 

AC: 5

Hit Points: 3

Hardness: 0

Break DC: 15

Weight: 2lb.

Based on an entry in Dragon Magazine #300 October 2002 by Wesley Schneider