The X-Men inquire as to the whereabouts of Captain Picard, who eventually arrives to pick them up, much to Starbase 88s' relief. then a call from Federation headquarters re-routes the Enterprise to assist the Xhaldian government. Upon arrival at the planet Xhaldia an alien Draa' kon vessel is found orbiting the planet, instantly the Draa' kon attack and nearly destroys the Enterprise, but for some cleaver tactics which incapacitates the Draa' kon ship, the battle leaves both vessels hanging in space. Time is the only factor in which one of the vessels makes repairs first and destroys the other.
Captain Picard sends down to the surface three shuttles to assist with the Xhaldian 'Transformed'. the X-Men accompany the away teams, as their mutant abilities are similar to the Xhaldians Transformed and also due to the X-Men's understanding of persecution of those who are different from the normal.
Many small battles later, the shuttles return as the Draa' kon ship recovers its weapons. Some tense moments pass in which Counselor Troi's shuttle is destroyed carrying some of the transformed and Colossus and Wolverine. The inevitable happens, the Draa' kon ship is beaten, Transformed dealt with, Xhaldian policy concerning the Transformed is revised and every one shakes hands, says farewell and goes off to fight another day.
Does Troi, Colossus and Wolverine get memorial plaques and posthumous medals of valour? Read the book and find out!
Last updated: 6 March 2000